Whitetail Deer Hunts
I (Devin) always like to try and meet everyone at the lounge of your hotel in Saskatoon for a meet and greet every Saturday night if it works with your flights and your not to tired. We leave Sunday morning at 11:00am from the hotel lobby, stop at Cabela’s and then start driving to the lodge which is about a 2.5 hour drive. We will have a pit stop at Blaine Lake gas station to go to the bathroom and grab a slice of pizza and drink if you want around 1:00pm. If you are driving up just please be at the lodge around 4:00pm I have printable directions under lodging. LINK FOR DIRECTIONS. Once you get to camp there will be appetizers waiting for you. We will sight in rifles, get licenses straightened out, pay final balances, sign waivers, look at trail camera pictures and have a great home cooked meal.
The next morning we will wake up have a hearty breakfast, pack you a lunch and take you out to your stand before sunrise and hunt there till sunset. We have a few different types of stands such as double tree stands, single tree stands, and heated ground blinds. After legal shooting the guide will pick you up and bring you back to camp for a great home cooked meal served by our chefs.

If need be, on the sixth day you can hunt until 12:00pm and if you don’t shoot a deer I will give you a $1000 credit to next years hunt. There is a $1500 fine for any mainframe 10 point or more shot under that doesn’t gross over 150 inches.
Plan on staying overnight again at the hotel on Saturday night and book your flight home for Sunday.
Please keep in touch with me after you have booked your hunt through email: saskatchewanoutfitting@gmail.com or give me a call on my cell phone: 1-306-821-2726 I like to talk to each hunter at least a couple times before they come up.

Prior to Your Hunt...
Print your hunter contract. Fill out all information and mail it to the address provided below with your check, or email it to saskatchewanoutfitting@gmail.com
- Timberlost Outfitting Hunter Contract – Whitetail Deer USA
- Timberlost Outfitting Hunter Contract – Whitetail Deer CANADA
- Important Notice: Please do not put a deposit down before you talk to Devin about availability.
The client must print off the Non-Resident Fire Arm Declaration form. It can be filled out but not signed until in front of the customs agent.
This cannot be stressed enough because as we expect an ethical shot on all deer. If a deer is wounded and not found the hunt is considered over unless a fee of $2500.00 is paid.
All hunters need to get a HAL number for their first time hunting in Saskatchewan, that will then be their personal number for future hunts in Saskatchewan. This number needs to be e-mailed to me in order to get the hunting license. To obtain your HAL click here.
Hotel rooms for the Saturdays before and after the hunt can be booked at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel 1-306-986-4993 or the Sandman Hotel 1-306-477-4844. These rooms need to be booked as soon as possible, as during hunting season they fill up early call me before you book so I can tell you which hotel to book with and how much it costs.
General Information to know after you booked
- Please remember that a passport will be required to travel to and from Canada
- If you have had an impaired driving charge you could be refused entry into Canada. Permits are available but they take several months to process call Kara Dyer with Beyond Borders Immigration Consulting at 1-306-599-9295 with Canada border crossing she will get you the permits you will need
- It is most convenient if you are able to fly into Saskatoon the night before your pick up so on Saturday
- Free pick up and drop off in Saskatoon. Pick up time is at 10:00am Sunday morning from your hotel in Saskatoon
- There are discounted rates for Timberlost hunters at the Courtyard Marriott and the Sandman Hotel
- Outward flights are to be booked for the day following the hunt so Sunday, as there may be time constraints on getting back to Saskatoon on the Saturday evening
- Supply lists are available to download in PDF format
- There is a $1,000 kill fee on any mainframe 10 point buck or bigger that does not gross score 150 B&C points. This is to protect our young breeder bucks
- Timberlost gives back $1,000 credit to next years hunt if the hunter doesn’t not pull the trigger
- You must wear your colors at all times if you are hunting with a rifle. The law is that you have to wear white, red or orange vest or jacket and a red or orange hat
- You can wear camo pants or whatever you want
- Legal shooting times are ½ before sunrise and a ½ after sunset
- If you shoot at a deer do not get out of your stand. DO NOT try to follow it if you get out that is your hunt. Text or call your guide
- If you draw blood on the animal and we don’t find it your hunt is over. If you still want to hunt more there will be a $2500 fee
- Do not urinate out of your tree stand we will supply a bottle for you to use
- Remember that silence is golden and especially when that BIG BUCK is standing thirty yards behind you
- “Let Em Go Watch Em Grow”